you only love

美 [jə ˈoʊnli lʌv]英 [ju ˈəʊnli lʌv]
  • 网络你只爱;你唯一的爱
you only loveyou only love
  1. Why do you only love green leaf ?


  2. Rita : I think you only love the money , not the person .


  3. If you only love his goodness or beauty , your love is neither precious nor able to stand any test .


  4. Sometimes , somehow , you only love that person because it is the feeling you injected to your system , you may not notice that you slowly fell out of love in a silent way .


  5. Whatever country , whatever area , whatever age , if you only love wine , join us at this moment ! Growing up with us , connecting you , him , and me through wine culture !


  6. You pay only love can be paid in good faith .


  7. You only truly love that one man with all of your heart and soul .


  8. You are the only love of my life .


  9. My darling . I hope you were my only love in my life .


  10. But if in your fear you would seek only love 's peace and love 's pleasure


  11. And farewell to you , my only love .


  12. But if , in your fear , you would seek only love 's peace and love 's pleasure ,


  13. As long as stars shine down from heaven , and the rivers run into the sea , till the end of time forever , you are the only love I 'll need .


  14. But if , in your fear , you would seek only love 's peace and love'spleasure , then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness andpass out of love 's threshing-floor , into the seasonless world where youshall laugh , but not all of your laughter , and weep , but not all ofyourtears .


  15. You the only one that love me . I 'm serious .


  16. If Louis was right , and you only get one great love ...


  17. You give me the only love , for me it is a heavy load .


  18. If you 'd only say you love me , baby , things would really work out fine .


  19. Love is unfair , you can only decide to love a person forever or not and don 't ask for payback .


  20. Envious of Love ," Envy " whispered to " Madness ":" You only need to find Love , and Love is hiding in the rose bush . "


  21. When , free from all solicitude , all harassing care , shall I be able to pass all my time with you , having only to love you , and to think only of the happiness of so saying , and of proving it to you ?


  22. You did betray him , you stole his only love .


  23. May be you wont cherish one who you dont love , but I wont , because you are my only love .


  24. You won 't learn the sentence It is a complicate project . We really need to meet the deadline . in any English songs All you will hear are only love , passion , infection , hate and blue , for the feeling not the color .
